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Thursday, December 10, 2009

katanya kamu iri pengen dibikinin note jg yak...tak publish disini aj yak..hhe it yg aku pgn igt dr km..kepalamu yg kayak jamur...
pangeranberkepalajamur...mav klo ak srg jahat sm km.. tau aku plg anti menoleh ms lalu kan?? tau ak cueknya gmn kn??

aku tau km cm bs ngangguk2 doank..krn km yg plg ngerti ak slm in...

terima kasih tak terhingga buat in yg bs aku lakukan...

kamu yg selalu ad...
wkt ak ngidam pulpy...
wkt ak lg pusing...
wkt ak lg skit...
wkt ak lg down...
wkt ak lg nntn F1...

wejanganmu yg ak igt trs gara2 si ANDA it "berdirilah dengan tegar dan senyum lebar jauh di hadapannya,agar dia tahu betapa bodohnya dia melepasmu".

kata2 itu bikin aku nyadar...seihlas itu km ngadepin ak...ak sll berharap ak bs jd seihlas itu ngelepas dia...

dibalik kemalesan kamu...kejorokan kamu...ahahahhaha...
ternyata kamu pinter jg...

setiap kata2 yg gag sengaja keucap km bs inget smp bertaun2 aplg sm kata2 yg sengaja tak ucap yg srg bikin km skt hati....
mav ya....aku mmg km yg plg knl ak...dan pst tau sebab smua ini...

mav kamu cm bs dampingin aku smp bts itu doank...ak gbs membiarkanmu lbh dkt krn msh ad org lain di dlmnya...
dan belum akan pernah membiarkanmu utk jd lbh dekat...
mav ya...

makasih dan mav buat semuanya..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This essay assignment asked my lecturer for the publish. Beg for correction

Technological Advancement Effects to Societies

Technology can be asset to society, but it also can be a great destructive force that is determined to destroy the fabric humanity. Lives are being effected by technology everyday and in almost every way imaginable. Technology has influenced societies from the beginning of civilitation itself. Technological advancement effects to societies is both positive and negative.

Technological advancements made in areas of human life involving food production and transportation enabled societies to concentrate on leisure activities, cultural activities, and medical advancements. Sciences like astrology and alchemy, were focused on by early scientists after that means of food production decreased the need for labor and increased the leisure time available for studying mathematics and the sciences.

Then and now technology is and was thought to be the great savior of mankind. Human lifespans were lengthened due to discoveries made in medicine. Man has made his life easier and more productive. Human beings currently spend more time engaging in leisure activities than ever before in history. Diseases have been eradicated and vaccines have been invented to prevent communicable disease from spreading. Surgeries can actually be performed via remote viewing. For certain life saving procedures, the doctor and patient do not need to be in the same room.

People no longer walk or ride a horse to get from here to there. Families are able to connect with one another using cell phones and web camera. Travel is so much more affordable and can be booked online with a click of a mouse. The internet provides details and testimonials that make picking a travel destination so much easier. A picture can be downloaded from a phone or digital camera and send within seconds via email. As business can scan and send documents or quotes immediately. Its reducing some of the costs doing business.

Human have lost much in this trade off for technology. The human race has traded their most basic survival skills such as hunting, farming, and fishing for prepackaged meats and other food products available at the local supermarket. Many culture because the values and skills that held by them together as a culture were taken away by technology.

We have created a world in which the elderly live longer, diseases are cured, and food sources are plentiful, all thanks to technology. But we have also managed to create weapons of mass destruction, an industrialized society that relies on fossilized fuels, and we have managed to grow dependant on those things which make our lives easier.

Life is just so much better, easier, and lazier for humans than before. So is technological advancement bad ? i personally don’t think so. Technological advancements are all good, because knowledge and discovery are never a bad thing. With all of the new technological advances in the last century, we would think that our lives would be close to perfect. For all of the advances we have made, there are many areas where we have actually lost more than we have gained. We need to have a clear understanding of technology in order to respect both the good and the harm it can do. And just remember that too much for anything is bad.


This essay assignment asked my lecturer for the publish. Beg for correction

Poles Apart

Antartica was coined to mean “opposite to the arctic”. The climate of the two areas are very different. Antartica is the coldest. On the average it is about 300 colder than the arctic. At both poles, daily temperatures may drop far below the monthly mean. At the American south pole station, winter temperatures sometimes fall below -1000 Farrenheit. In august 1960, lowest temperatures world record of -1270 F. because this climatic difference, the land animals and plants are very different. In Antartica there are few plants, but we can find mosses,lichens, and algae. We can find penguin’s populate in coastline too. In arctic we can find many plants. There are fox, bear, reindeer, and lemmings, arctic is their land. Ice is the great feature of Antartica. Antartica is the storehouse of about 85% of the total world supply of ice. The icecap is very thick, averaging nearly 8000 feet. If the great volume of ice in Antartica were to melt, the volume of the world oceans and sea level would increase. Extreme atmospheric changes would have to take place for this to happen.


This essay assignment asked my lecturer for the publish. Beg for correction because the experience of writing essays with english still smells like 'kencur' . hhe

Blogging activity

The modernisation of technology think out an idea for createy informations or other materials put on the website, called blog. Blogging activity become popular since materials inside the blog has a various theme not just an ongoing diary. Blogs displayed by an individual with regular entries of commentary; include a descriptions of events, graphics, or videos. So it should be confessed that blogging increasing our ability in three ways; writing, confidence, and socialitation.

There are many different types of blogs, differing not only in the type of content, but also in the way that content is delivered or written. For bussiness purposes, blogs either used internally to enhance the communication and culture in a corporation or externally for marketing, branding, or public relations. For business purposes needs a sufficient writing skill. It needs for avoid a defamation for our corporation. A sufficient writing skill not only needs for corporate blogs, but also needs for the other blog types for avoid a defamation or liability. It can bring into the court.
The personal blog, an ongoing diary, is the traditional most common blog. Personal bloggers usually take pride in their blog posts, even if their blog is never read by anyone but them. Blogging can have a sentimental quality. Few personal blogs rise to fame and garner extensive following quickly. It grows a confidencial for ourself.

Personal blog is referred to as "microblogging", which is extremely detailed blogging as it seeks to capture a moment in time. Its possible bloggers to communicate with the others about everything to tell. Sites, such as 'twitter', allow bloggers to share thoughts and feelings instantaneously with friends and family and is much faster than e-mailing or writing. It brings more effective and fun for sozialication things.

It is clear that blog is the most modern way to share informations or other materials to the others trough the website. Blogging brings a lot af advantages in this modernisation era. Blogs often become more than a way just communicate; they become a way to reflect on life or works of art.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Yes. maybe im in love.

This is the first time as I admire your figure.

Never in my life, I am amazed at the figure as you.
Initially honest admiration for the other. but because of the status of our relationship feels more comfortable as a friend, made me turn to you.

This is not a temporary feeling or sense of fulfillment. This feeling of sincere for you.

To be honest there has never been a man like you that I admire. I usually easy to admire the handsome guy, punk, chic, humorous, and so forth. but you ...

I was first impressed when you bring SLR. I was easily impressed with the men carrying or using a SLR camera or sketch book. I think it will be the same feeling as the persistence of my previous feelings. but this admiration did not stop there alone. when there is an event that made my eyes fixed on your eyes. from which a sense of awe that arises.

I am impressed with your smile that looked sincerely .
I am impressed with your laughter that sounded so cheerful.
I am impressed with your intelligence visible.
I am impressed with your kindness to all.
I admire your alertness against something.
I am impressed with your readiness to handle things.

LORD. I was amazed to see you when you speak in front with ur hands in ur pockets and smiled listening to speeches from others. My lips can not stop smile because of you .

And I'm feeling more and more amazed at your private I know that others have not.

I'll wait .. is the first time someone had made me wait. My mindset changes that might make me be very impressed with you. you personally like is that I hope can help me straighten out my life purpose.

Since I knew you admire.
I never stopped smiling remember you.
I was never able to control the movement of my legs kept moving when talking to you.
I can not control my heart rate when you are approaching.
I never stop telling about you to parents and my friends.

yes. My life changed since you came
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. I need some time to convince myself to admiration to you. until finally I believe. people like you is what I need.

Monday, October 12, 2009

lagi ngeliatin ikan di akuarium:
ada salah satu ikan yg plg beda warna dan jenisnya .

ukurannya plg kcl jd dia srg didorong2 ama yg lain .

tp dia berusaha utk kuat dan ngobrol ama tmn2 raksasanya *mgkn dgn meyertakan bercandaannya yg konyol*

dia terlihat kikuk dan menyendiri ketika tmn2 raksasa sejenis lainnya berkumpul .


mungkin itulah saya ketika di jurusan saya pertama kali . saya kikuk . bingung . krn itu pertama kalinya saya menjadi anak tunggal dalam kelas, dewasa ini .
perasaan canggung dan bingung berebut suara dalam kepala . mereka seakan berlomba lomba memakan hati dan perasaan saya seperti ketika lomba makan mie instant dalam event agustusan .

melihat pengalaman beradaptasi saya yang OVER . ttp aja ada perasaan bingung dan canggung . kebiasaan yang saya lakukan ketika ada di dalam kelas baru adalah
-bernyanyi dlm hati BELUM peduli apa yg org katakan
-berbisik dalam hati SIAPA MRK
-memainkan mainan apapun yang ada dlm tas saya *can't live without a toy*

inilah sepenggal celetukan tman2 saya ketika pertama kali melihat saya masuk dalam kelas .
*saat SMP saya dipanggil nenek krn silsilah 'keluarga' yg dibikin tman2*
"pertama kali liat kamu ya nek .. sumpah rasanya ni orang sombong bt yah"
"kamu tu pertama kalinya keliatan belagu bgt . SUMPAH"
"pertama kamu datang aku mikir ni orang kayaknya jutek+jahat bgt deh"
"pertama liat depol aku bilang 'aku gag mau temenan ama dia ah"

jujur saya shock *sampe jantung saya ketelisut dmn gt* . saya tdk bermaksud sm skl bersikap demikian . muka saya ketika diam katanya terlalu meyeramkan padahal menurut yang saya liat setiap pagi di kaca, TIDAK lo .

langkah pertama saya ketika masuk dlm kls br adalah menanyakan nama+asal teman kiri kanan depan blkg . selebihnya tetap saja saya melupakan itu semua . yg pntg bersikap manis itu penting .

kedua, pasang senyum semanis mgkn *terbukti manjur ktk ada senior yg mendekat* senyum menimbulkan aura positif yg enk diliat .

ketiga,jgn takut dan ragu memulai obrolan *walaupun konyol* bagaimanapun juga mereka temanmu .

sampai skrg saya tdk bs menyembuhkan penyakit kekonyolan saya . sudah saya kelilingi perpustakaan dunia ttg kepribadian, ttp aja saya bgn adanya .
kesandung portal . jatuhin selusin helm di parkiran . salah msk kls . ngobrol ama mainan koleksi saya . idung nempel cowok lewat yang wangi . itu indikasi ringan penyakit saya .

kesan tman2 setelah kenal saya,tman2 kuliah blm disertakan dsn krn mrk blm mempunyai kesan trhdp saya*mungkin*
-yah ternyata orangnya begini . mo naksir jadi gak jadi
-sumpah pgn bgt nyiksa mukamu klo lg diem
-yeala pol . ternyata begini hidupmu tak kiro medeni ..
-uripmu poll . nggawe loro weteng *cr di kamus utk keterangan selengkapnya*

sampai hr ini perkembangan bersosialisasi saya di kuliah ada kemajuan yaitu saya bisa bertindak, berpikir, berbicara, berpendapat, dan bermain sebagai diri saya sendiri *blm all out sih* bukan sbg teman baru yg mrk knl dgn segala kekikukannya*walaupun hny kpd sebagian orang blm seluruhnya*

semoga pengalaman saya bersosialisasi menambah motivasi anda untuk mengenal sekitar anda dgn cara yg berbeda .

Thursday, October 8, 2009

2 hari ini saya terkena serangan melamun dahsyat . ada kalanya muka saya yang sudah mirip demit*tanpa bermaksud menyinggung jurusan tertentu*,semakin terlihat demit 2 hr terakhir ini .

lagi jalan,makan,sampai boker sekalipun pasti ngelamun dan pasang tampang 'pinter' .

beberapa saat waktu lagi ngelamun di masjid kampus . saya tersadar . saya kesepian . saya memang sudah dapat keluarga baru di PWK . hanya saja ada beberapa hal yg blm saya dapatkan secara maksimal disini .

ada perhatian . bercandaan . tingkah mereka berbeda dgn 'keluarga' saya yang lain . bagaimanapun juga saya teramat sangat rindu teman2 high school saya .

ada kalanya saya rindu masa2 ketika:
-tas saya penuh sampah setiap pulang sekolah
-kerudung saya penuh coretan spidol
-muka saya yang timbuk jerawat karena dicoret spidol papan
-kaos kaki saya yang jadi tidak bermerk*upss* setelah dijatoin ke got
-binder+tepak saya yang udah gag berwujud setelah dicoret2
*cerita ini ditulis bkn bemaksud menceritakan saya bahagia digituin*

perhatian 'berlebih' itu yang saya rindukan dr mrk .

g ad lg yg blg 'eh ank baru' sewaktu saya memakai kerudung baru .
g ad lg yg ngejedotin kepala ke tembok ktk ngelamun di kls .
g ad lg yg merekam penyiksaan2 saya .
g ad lg air kencing naga .
g ad lg 'signature asing' di binder saya .
g ad lg yg motoin muka nganga saya ktk tidur di kls .
g ad lg yg naroh sepatu saya di atap kelas .
dll .
wowowo MISS THOSE MOMENT so much .

rindu tman2 high school PARAH .

*heran knp di tls ini tdk ad lelucon yg lucu??krn saya plg sensitif soal friendship. mav*

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This essay assignment asked my lecturer for the publish. Beg for correction because the experience of writing essays with english still smells like 'kencur' . hhe

Blogging Activity
The modernisation of technology think out an idea for createy informations or other materials put on the website, called blog. Blogging activity become popular since materials inside the blog has a various theme not just an ongoing diary. Blogs displayed by an individual with regular entries of commentary; include a descriptions of events, graphics, or videos. So it should be confessed that blogging increasing our ability in three ways; writing, confidence, and socialitation.
There are many different types of blogs, differing not only in the type of content, but also in the way that content is delivered or written. For bussiness purposes, blogs either used internally to enhance the communication and culture in a corporation or externally for marketing, branding, or public relations. For business purposes needs a sufficient writing skill. It needs for avoid a defamation for our corporation. A sufficient writing skill not only needs for corporate blogs, but also needs for the other blog types for avoid a defamation or liability. It can bring into the court.
The personal blog, an ongoing diary, is the traditional most common blog. Personal bloggers usually take pride in their blog posts, even if their blog is never read by anyone but them. Blogging can have a sentimental quality. Few personal blogs rise to fame and garner extensive following quickly. It grows a confidencial for ourself.
Personal blog is referred to as "microblogging", which is extremely detailed blogging as it seeks to capture a moment in time. Its possible bloggers to communicate with the others about everything to tell. Sites, such as 'twitter', allow bloggers to share thoughts and feelings instantaneously with friends and family and is much faster than e-mailing or writing. It brings more effective and fun for sozialication things.
It is clear that blog is the most modern way to share informations or other materials to the others trough the website. Blogging brings a lot af advantages in this modernisation era. Blogs often become more than a way just communicate; they become a way to reflect on life or works of art.

Friday, August 28, 2009

sy susah menghafal nm org yg br sy knl . except ada situasi tertentu yg melatar belakangi perkenalan tsb . example mukanya kek cicak, mukanya kek apa, tampan, dll . tnp situasi2 tsb sy susah ngapalinX .

is it disease or something false in my mind??
aplg situasi taun2 br spt in . smakin menyiksa sy krn srg ditertawakan org *walopun sy sdh terbiasa ditertawakan org* .

bnt sy . bgmn crX mudah mengingat nm org ...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

di beberapa tulisan blog ini saya menggunakan kata2 gw,q,dan saya untuk menagatakan diri saya .
khusus di blog ini . semuanya artinya sama . karena ...

penggunaan kata gw ditujukan karena ada beberapa teman saya yang hanya mau mengerti kata GW ketika curhat *tanpa bermaksud nyindir siapapun* . dan karena smua orang pst mengerti arti kt gw,maka sy menggunakanX di beberapa tulisan . berbeda dgn Q yang artinya aku . beberapa org mgkn akan membacanya dengan 'kiu' . utk SY yang artinya saya . ada beberapa orang yang menganggapnya 'sayang' *ditimpukin sendal karena manggil semua org sayang' .

untuk menghindari salah persepsi ...
saya memutuskan untuk meluruskan satu kata untuk panggilan diri saya sendiri dlm blog ini yaitu


... *jenjengjeng*

SAYA . karena lebih familiar . bisa diterima semua orang . dan lebih bersahabat .
jadi mulai saat ini ... jangan heran bila mendengarr ...
hai nama SAYA devi ... *LOL*


saya pernah mendengar . doa yang diucapkan ketika ramadhan besar kemungkinan dikabulkannya . dan saya berkesempatan mempraktekannya ketika sholat maghrib ..

adzan maghrib . hr ini tumben bapak ibu blm plg . akhirnya berbuka dengan segelas teh hangat dan jeli yang segar . dan sholat maghrib . ketika saya sholat mendengar mereka datang . mereka langsung berbuka . setelah sholat saya berdoa seperti biasa . terakhirnya kurang lebih seperti ini..

'Ya Allah berikanlah hamba sepotong kue serabi rasa cokelat keju untuk takjil hamba hari ini Ya Allah...'

lalu berdoa utk yg lain...dan tiba2...

ibu:dilla tolong keluarkan kue serabi rasa cokelat keju dari tas itu . itu buat kakak . pasti suka .

Amin yaa robbal alamiinn . . .

beberes mukena dan melihat kenyataan di depan mata .

Alhamdulillah .... *lsg nari2 bollywood*

Ya Allah . trimakasi ...


pengumuman TPB sebenarnya uda kluar dr kmrn . tp ntah knp sy mash rada enggan ngeliatX . 'bsk aj aahh' .

berangkat jam 06.30 . dimanamana macet . brangkat jam segitu dgn hrpn klo ad kuliah jam 7 masih bisa .

teteretetettt . jam 6.45 nyampe parkiran BAAK . sy gtw dmn tmpt TPB *merasa bodoh knp g nanya dr kmrn2??* . ngikutin jln rame2 dgn hrpn mrk ke TPB . harapan g sia2 . nyampe jg ke TPB . bingung ngeliat kertas dengan tulisan minimizenya . dimana dan gmn cr liat nmq ya?? *mikir jd mahasiswa amatir bgt sii* . stlh itu ada salah satu tmn angkatan kasih invo *mav sy lp nmX,cowok dr Aceh.sori brai nmmu blm mejeng dsn* . menemukan nama sy yg hrs ikt TPB jam 7 di sistem informasi . dimana kelas sy??di jadwal itu tertulis '?' . lhaarrr jam menunjukkan pukul 7 . sementara sy gtw SI dmn . haaahhh . staw sy it jauh dan hrs ngeluarin motor dr parkiran dl . sementara jarak TPB ke parkiran 'lumayan' .

berrrrrr . lari ke parkiran *g gt suaranya* . ad ide nelpon SAM . dy anggota geng macan mahasiswa SI . 'sam dimana SI??' . 'km ke graha aj dev, ntr msk graha kliatan ko' . tancap gas ke graha yang skali lg 'lumayan' dr BAAK .

nggeeennngg . nyampe jg d SI *krn insting berkendara sy yg handal,warisan ayah* . lalu dmn kls sy??krn jls trtls d jadwal kelas sy adalah '?' . skali lg nelpon sam . 'lurus aj ntr ad rame2,ntr belok kanan ada kelas buka, nah it klasX' . berlarii . jam menunjukkan 7.15 . melihat keramaian *girang brasa liat festival matador* . krn kalap ad klass pintuX terbuka dan lsg msk . bgt msk ...
krikrikrik . . isiX senior smua . . *brasa kepiting rebus,dimakan,dikunyah,dimuntahin,diinjek2*

ada dosen dst . lalu nanya pak dmn kls sy yg '?' it . 'kamu maba ya??msk aj kls yg itu ntr klo slh y brarti kls yg itu' . haaa??klo slh??whattt?! . msk la d klas 4 . dsn ad sisca dan kiki dan tmn2 dr PWK lainX . brasa sdkt aman . duduk dgn khawatir tkt slh kls . tiba2 nmq diabsen jg . yess . sy d kls yg bnr . ketika dosen ngabsen ..
dosen:Devi andalusia .
sy:sy bukk .
dosen:andalusia daerah mn y??
sy:spanyol bukk *semua mata tertuju padaku yeahh*
dosen:oo . jd km lhr dsn??
sy:pengennya *seisi klas mentertawakan, yg pntg mrk tw ap it andalusia*

blm jam 9 kuliah sdh sls . kuliah slanjutX jam 1 siang . bertemu dimas,sisca,hesti teman dr PWK . memutuskan ke rmh siska smbl menunggu smp jam 1 . jam set 1, qt brangkat dr rmh sisca . qt nunggu kepanasan dsn . daaannn.. tiba2 seseorang dtg ..
org itu:sedang apa klian dsn??
kami:kuliah pakk .
org itu:ha??g ada kuliah .
kami:lho ada pak jam 1 teori perencanaan .
ditinggal ke atas *brasa sdkt dongkol,ditanya 'ngapain dsn??' .

beberapa menit kemudian...
maaf . kuliah dipindah hari jumat jam 1 siang . trimakasi .


komting mengumumkan ada pertemuan dgn senior jam 3 . jd kami caw ke graha . berdebat .

*tdk bs sy tlskn isi perdebatanX utk melindungi pihak2 yg berkaitan. wuzzzz*

bertemu dgn senior . dan berkt TIDAK dan ditinggal bgt sj .

rapatt lg .

trjd perdebatan seru
jam 4 lebih
wkt ashar hmpr hbs
*sy diam krn sy kesal . perut sy tdk bs diam mendedangkan 'kumbang kumbang di taman . wkt ashar hmpr hbs dan sy blom sholat*
rapat ditutup . Alhamdulillah ...
pulang,sholat ashar,menunggu berbuka ...

sekian rangkuman hr pertama kuliah .
daaa . .


kt ayah 'sp si senior itu??sm statusX kn . cm bedaX mrk lbh dl msk aja . jd ngapain tkt' . terdengar simple dan 'thats my dad' . kata2X slalu sm dgn ap yg gw pikirin .

tanpa bermaksud meremehkan . tapi kata2 itu memang benar .

sejak kecil kita selalu diajarin nmX unggah ungguh aka sopan santun . tanpa pelatihan apapun qt tentu sudah memahami itu . mereka yang g ngrt ttg itu smua . y anggep aj mrk org g berbudaya+beretika .

dlm kamus b. indonesia *gw emg srius nyari arti ni kt d kamus* . kader:orang yang diharapkan atau dipersiapkan untuk dapat memegang jabatan atau pekerjaan penting dalam pemerintahan,partai,dsb . lalu mgp qt hrs menolak proses pengkaderan???

pengkaderan:pelatihan qt utk jd seorang kader . pengetianX aj ud positif . truss kenapa gw sempet nolak pengkaderan??

1. senior sempet blg 'jgn tkt sibuk kuliah disini *alangkah baikX gw g sebut* . qt beda ama kampus laen . drpd ngelakuin hal g bermanfaat.pikiran negatif timbul di pikiran gw. mrk blg g bermanfaat???browsing internet berjam jam di rumah mrk blg g bermanfaat??jln2 di mall brg temen2 g bermanfaat??pergi jalan2 ama keluarga g bermanfaat??ngelamun di rumah ngebayangin cerita yg bakal gw tulis *ju2r gw hobi nulis . tp gw penulis moody jd karya gw blm bnyk hhe* g bermanfaat?? . JELAS mrk ngerti yg nmX yin n yang means keseimbangan . JELAS mrk ngrt nmX refreshing . JELAS mrk ngrt nmX sosialisasi . JELAS mrk ngrt yg nmX cr ilmu . JELAS mereka ngerti yg nmX berkreatifitas . tp ju2r gw ttp tersinggung . krn mnurut gw TIDAK ADA SATUPUN DI DUNIA IN YANG SIASIA KRN HIDUP=BELAJAR .

2. image pengkaderan disini yg scary . everyone knows it . gw bkn kalah sblm bertanding . hny aj pertanggung jwbn mrk ke ortu gw klo trjd ssuatu am gw apa??staw gw nothing . krn in bkn kegiatan resmi dr rektor . ato mgkn gw gtw birokrasi pelaksanaanX??krn kajur pun meng ACC nya . seandaiX mrk lbh memberi pengertian ttg hal sensitif in mgkn gw akan berpikiran lain . salang angkatan gw jg knp g nanya . KARENA setiap pertemuan kami dengan senior kesanX kami selalu ada di bawah tekanan . kami selalu merasa kecil . padahal sebenarX kmi g prl tkt klo km bnr . tp praturan trpntg SENIOR SLALU BNR mnjlskn sgalaX .

3. ad anggota angkatan gw . yg g diijinin ikt pengkaderan in . angkatan kmi g mo ktk km menikmati smua fasilitas 'warga' tmn km it tdk ikt menikmatiX . kataX sala satu tujuan pengkaderan 'kekompakan angkatan' . trus APA ARTI KEKOMPAKAN ANGKATAN SEBENARx?? .

4.ini bulan RAMADHAN . tolong y!! . gw bkn sok alim ato gmn . tp sdh semestiX qt menghormati bln Ramadhan . walaupun bkn berarti krn ramadhan lah qt menghentikan smua aktivitas qt . tp krn perdebatan di dlm angkatan gw ttg pengkaderan ini hmpr slalu menimbulkan emosi . WAJAR . krn qt pny pndp msg2 . alangkah baikX senior mmbr pengumuman pengkaderan in setelah hari raya saja . agar tidak adaX percabangan pikiran yg shrsX fokus beribadah di ramadhan in . senior mmg g prnh nyuruh qt bwt rapat smp sore,smp hmpr lp wkt sholat ashar . senior emg g prnh nyuruh qt berdebat smp memancing emosi antar anggota . tp sadar ato g SENIORLAH YG BIKIN QT RESAH TTG PENGKADERAN . sp yg slh??Wallahualam .

gw mgkn dblg pengecut . krn gw g bs ngmg lsg ttg smua in . tp inilah gw . kegundahan gw slalu gw tumpahkan dlm tulisan . gw akui kelemahan gw dlm berpendapat krn pengalaman organisasi gw yg krg . mgkn dgn mengikuti pengkaderan ini masalah gw teratasi .

yg jls gw ad dsn utk belajar . belajar utk Allah . belajar utk ortu . belajar utk ilmu . belajar utk hdp . belajar utk masa depan gw . belajar utk bersosialisasi dgn org2 seIndonesia *krn tmn2 angkatan gw dr seluruh Indonesia* . dan belajar untuk banyak hal lainnya . jalani aja kehidupan gw slama dsn karena sekali lagi HIDUP=BELAJAR .


mungkin itu yang gw pikirkan ketika bc nama gw di koran *akhirX iktn ngoran jg* . perencanaan wilayah kota 'Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember' .
mungkin itu bukan salah satu impian gw . bukan jg keinginan gw . tp it hasil psikotest gw .
awalX gw g ngeh apaan tu PWK . smp skrg pun gw g ngrt .
cb igt wkt sosialisasi dl . mrk blg . 'klian hrs bangga karena dibutuhkan warga kota' . gw gtw apakah it sesuatu yg membanggakan utk gw .

Alhamdulillah ...
itu kata2 yg pertama kali gw ucpkn . jantungku berdebar di luar kebiasaan ketika ngelliat mata ibu berkaca kaca . begitu juga dengan bapak . semua keluarga nelpon ke rumah . hampir setiap menit ada telpon yang nanyain 'gimana devi?' . dan ortu gw dgn banggaX blg 'Alhamdulillah PWK ITS' . ucapan slamat dtg dr sluruh keluarga,tman2 ortu gw,tetangga,tmen2, dan tempat bimbel gw .

sejenak gw pgn ngs haru ketika ibu ngmg 'km bygn aj . mrk yg tw lgsg blg bangga am km . bygn aj gmn ortuX' .

Tuhan apakah ini yang Engkau maksud dgn membahagiakan ortu . Wallahualam . Amin .

ada tekad dlm ht gw . gw hrs serius . gw skrg mahasiswa . bkn siswa lg . di status gw yg jd seorang mahasiswa in . gw menyimpan sejuta cita2 bkn sekedar mimpi . dan smua it hrs gw wujudkan agar bs bikin ortu bangga skli lg .

sejenak gw mikir ap kbr tmen2 gw yg laen??ibu blg . this is the rule baby . nasib yang membawa qt . bukan sekedar otak dan tekad qt . gw mikir smoga tmn2 gw dpt yg trbaik ssuai dgn nasibX msg2 . di ujung terowongan pasti ada cahaya di ujungX . trust that guys!!! .

gw gtw in sbuah beban ato gmn . scr gw milih PWK cm brdsrkn hsl psikotest . tnp taw tetek bengekX . masa bodo . gw ykn, gw pst bs klo gw mau . adepin aj ^^

slamat dtg mahasiswa baru . hidup Indonesia!!! *krn rada g stuju dgn kata2 HIDUP MAHASISWA* . mnurut gw hidup mahasiswa means selfish and its not for Indonesia . jd gw lbh stuju BERJUANGLAH MAHASISWA . HIDUP INDONESIA .

Thursday, June 4, 2009

this family need a RESPECT . a lot of RESPECT .

there is no RESPECT CULTURE in here,isnt it??

i dont know what they're thinking about . or do they lost their mind??

theres 2 reasons why i got really mad .

1st this family .
2nd . few days ago . i got information about the girl who makes HE left me few years ago . n guess what??she had lecturing at campus that I will enter now . .

what a wonderful day . . .

Monday, April 6, 2009

yg sempett liat F1 race kmrn pst heboh .
ako yg nntn d rmh aj uring2an . aplg yg nntn live race .
balapan berlangsung hny 75% . poin hny dbrkan separuhnya . seru . br kali ni liat . jamanX ayrton senna masi blm ad . hhe .
nyang lucu . wkt safety care berhenti mnunggu kptsan FIA . stauko ad 2 pembalap yg lsg capcus dr mblX .
yaitu aa' alo dan kimi .

aa' alo dgn nyanteX lsg gnt bj+ngbrl d pit ama crew2 smbl ngliatin monitor kontrol . swaktu diwawancarapun dy blg klo g memungkinkan lg dy ikt balapan krn jalanan ud jadi danau .

kimi bnr2 'the ice man' dgn nyanteX dy lsg gnt baju+celana pendek 'fishing style' + nntn tv+makan ice cream . GOD . mobilX lsg de diangkat ke pit lane .

disaat orang2 dluar sdg deg degan nunggu dtrusin ato ngga . dy malah enak2an .

Barchiello blk ke pit dgn langkah gontai *caila bhs gw . . muke kecewaX kliatan bgt . kecebong de tu org .

ad yg blg ujan tu kiriman dr Indonesia soalX di Indonesia lg musim kampanye . jd pawangX ngirim ujan kesono . . hha .

*congratz bwt brawn . smg sukses musim ni sll menyertaimu . pokokX jgn smp lewis mng . hhe .
hbs ni capcus ke tiongkok y?? . qt tunggu seheboh ap lg . .

o ya . raquel dtg ke sirkuit dgn potongan cepakX . untung g nampang di TV . emosi jiwa raga ngeliat mukenye .
atu lg . muke nakajima ucul kek ank kcl . sbrp kclkah dy?? . umurX 24 thn . ultah tgl 11 jan . tp mav msh blm mengalahkan pesona aa' alo . hhe .


just come and see *kikikkkkiikkik

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