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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This essay assignment asked my lecturer for the publish. Beg for correction

Technological Advancement Effects to Societies

Technology can be asset to society, but it also can be a great destructive force that is determined to destroy the fabric humanity. Lives are being effected by technology everyday and in almost every way imaginable. Technology has influenced societies from the beginning of civilitation itself. Technological advancement effects to societies is both positive and negative.

Technological advancements made in areas of human life involving food production and transportation enabled societies to concentrate on leisure activities, cultural activities, and medical advancements. Sciences like astrology and alchemy, were focused on by early scientists after that means of food production decreased the need for labor and increased the leisure time available for studying mathematics and the sciences.

Then and now technology is and was thought to be the great savior of mankind. Human lifespans were lengthened due to discoveries made in medicine. Man has made his life easier and more productive. Human beings currently spend more time engaging in leisure activities than ever before in history. Diseases have been eradicated and vaccines have been invented to prevent communicable disease from spreading. Surgeries can actually be performed via remote viewing. For certain life saving procedures, the doctor and patient do not need to be in the same room.

People no longer walk or ride a horse to get from here to there. Families are able to connect with one another using cell phones and web camera. Travel is so much more affordable and can be booked online with a click of a mouse. The internet provides details and testimonials that make picking a travel destination so much easier. A picture can be downloaded from a phone or digital camera and send within seconds via email. As business can scan and send documents or quotes immediately. Its reducing some of the costs doing business.

Human have lost much in this trade off for technology. The human race has traded their most basic survival skills such as hunting, farming, and fishing for prepackaged meats and other food products available at the local supermarket. Many culture because the values and skills that held by them together as a culture were taken away by technology.

We have created a world in which the elderly live longer, diseases are cured, and food sources are plentiful, all thanks to technology. But we have also managed to create weapons of mass destruction, an industrialized society that relies on fossilized fuels, and we have managed to grow dependant on those things which make our lives easier.

Life is just so much better, easier, and lazier for humans than before. So is technological advancement bad ? i personally don’t think so. Technological advancements are all good, because knowledge and discovery are never a bad thing. With all of the new technological advances in the last century, we would think that our lives would be close to perfect. For all of the advances we have made, there are many areas where we have actually lost more than we have gained. We need to have a clear understanding of technology in order to respect both the good and the harm it can do. And just remember that too much for anything is bad.



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